Fan-Girling on Tryptophan- By Jacquelyn G. Thompson Aka. "That Little Buff Chef"
Fan-Girling on Tryptophan
Tryptophan, an Essential Amino Acid (EAA) is Essential for a Reason
Naps, sweets, full bellies, and happiness, all things we commonly associate with Thanksgiving are also some of the key reasons for tryptophan being one of the most commonly known Amino Acids by general populations. While it is known and discussed one day out of the year though, this amino acid is also somewhat misunderstood, as it is relative to the traits commonly contributed to this amino acid, it is also responsible for many more and, some of the commonly contributed factors not at all!
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid, being a precursor primarily for niacin or B3, which the body needs along with other nutrients, to create melatonin and serotonin, two well known neurotransmitters and mood regulators within the body. This amino acid is found in high protein foods like (you guessed it) turkey, but also in chocolate (proof God is a woman?), eggs, fish, and plant proteins, making it seem less likely to contribute to the commonly assumed midday Thanksgiving naps enjoyed post this large meal any more than it would for say taking one after a BBQ or brunch (meaning it's probably more likely a combination of digestion and a blood sugar crash!)
Tryptophan is necessary for the production of melatonin, which in part DOES regulate our sleep cycle, linking tryptophan to maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm, which is key in maintaining sleep hygiene as well as regulating hormonal, adrenal, and endocrine health overall, as our body releases these components on a cyclical order, allowing us to sleep when need be, have energy to wake up, and digest foods at appropriate times, regulating hunger and appetite ques appropriately.
Tryptophan is also utilized in the creation of serotonin aka “the happiness hormone”. Serotonin is primarily found in the gut, with over 90% being utilized for digestion helping to regulate bowel movements, but also used by the brain as a chemical messenger to regulate mood, improve concentration and focus, increasing the ability to learn. Some use this amino during severe bouts of PMS related symptoms, helping them feel calmer and more... cheerful?
It is no wonder both melatonin and serotonin are created during different phases of the sleep cycle, with melatonin being utilized during the initial phase and serotonin being both produced during the secondary REM phase of sleep as well as utilized to help us stay asleep and achieve a deeper and more restful sleep state overall. When we are short in this amino acid it is no wonder, we either A) cannot fall asleep B) stay asleep, and/or C) wake up cranky, moody, irritable, and feeling less rested, as our body is put in a state of choosing how to do what it can without enough to fully complete production and output of both.
While not a contributor in muscle growth or synthesis directly, it is commonly considered a beneficial amino acid in this process as well, as adequate sleep leads to better recovery and synthesis, but this can also be related to consuming more protein in general if one were to be acquiring this amino acid from a whole food source.
Additionally, if not all tryptophan is utilized by the body for melatonin, serotonin, the niacin produced can also directly affect cholesterol levels, help improve migraines, and aid in overall mood disorder regulation. If doing so though through supplements as opposed to food sources, 5-HTP may be a better route as this is more easily used by the body to be converted into serotonin and melatonin. By using a melatonin supplement in addition to 5-HTP we may be able to provide melatonin production sparing benefits, helping to optimize 5-HTP to serotonin synthesis in the process.
I will leave you with this thought friends. How amazing, beautiful, wonderful, ironic (?), appropriate, and empowering is it that we, not only as nutritionists, but some of us recipe developers, mothers, fathers, cooks, meal preppers, and care-givers, whatever means you give to others, are one of the only individuals who can say without a doubt that regardless of money, age, body type, or fame, are some of the only people who can say for a fact that we are on a scientific level capable of giving people what they need to be literally Happy?
That we are able to give to those around us not only through the amazing meals and foods we prepare with application and understanding in what we put into these dishes backing us, but also by being able to educate along the way as to why this is. By sharing we are not only giving them this one time, during one meal, but educating them to continue doing so in their own food choices, and as a result empowering them to create their own, true source of happiness.
Learning and understanding this during my culinary journey was one of the things that drew me not only to science, but to recognizing my own (unknown) intelligence, and allowed me during dark times to cling to a simple fact like a north star. With this understanding that regardless of being valued as a significant other, for how I looked, or if I was or wasn’t someone else’s idea of sexy, and instead by holding onto this one thought, I could pull myself out of my own dark places but more so than that, if I was able to master and build on this one glimmering thought maybe someday I could use this knowledge not just as a means of self-soothing, and healing, but as guidance to save others one day as well.
JJ Medicine. (2018, July 18). Serotonin and Melatonin Synthesis | Tryptophan Metabolism. Retrieved from JJ MedEd:
Taylor, R. (2020, November 6). Tryptophan: Benefits and Uses. Retrieved from Ryan Taylor: Natural Remedies:
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